About me and my way of working:
Personal drastic experiences, the desire to better understand inner conflicts and how I can support affected people in a helpful and related way, led me to deal with psychotraumatology. In the process, Louise Reddemann's trauma therapy, with its careful work with imaginations that draws on resources, appealed to me greatly. I was impressed by how this approach can be used to reach and support patients so that stabilization, relief and improvement in their quality of life can be achieved. I was so enthusiastic that I additionally completed the training "Psychodynamic Imaginative Trauma Therapy" also for children and adolescents.
Combination of Analytical Psychology and Trauma Therapy:
From my practical experience, the tools of analytical psychology and trauma therapy complement each other very well: Mental manifestations show where and how a mental conflict expresses itself. Using the resource-oriented approach of trauma therapy, I can start exactly where a so-called "wounded", inner part is not safe, and can "take care" of it through appropriate interventions, which often leads to rapid calming. In the case of complex post-traumatic stress disorder, the process takes longer.
In summary, one could also say:
I am fascinated and touched by the sensitive, the fragile, the inner treasure, which the writer Hilde Domin so aptly expresses in her poem:
What has always impressed me are the outer and inner destinies that woman or man "must" go through in a human life!" The analytical psychology of C.G. Jung fascinated me early on by showing me how one can get access to the messages of one's own soul: through the work with dreams, the active imagination, creative methods like painting, sandplay therapy or through the non-verbal communication of our body.

- Self-employed in own practice, Lindenbachstrasse 28, 8006 Zurich, since August 2018.
- Delegated psychotherapist at Sihlmed, Center for Integrative Medicine Zurich, working with adults, adolescents and children, including sandplay therapy for children/adolescents/adults, 2009-2021
- Psychotherapist at the Lehn Therapy Center, Drogen Forum Innerschweiz, Obernau, Canton of Lucerne, 2002 - 2009
- Milieu therapist at the Sonnenbühl Clinic, Therapy Center of the Canton of Zurich for drug addicts, Brütten, 2000 - 2002
PRAKTIKA in the context of the study subject psychopathology:
- Night Clinic Villa Klus, Psychiatric University Hospital Zurich, 1999, 4 months
- Acute ward, Clienia Privatklinik Schlössli, Oetwil am See, 1997, 7 weeks
- Geriatric ward, Rosegg Psychiatric Clinic, Solothurn, 1996, 7 weeks
- Psychodynamic Imaginative Trauma Therapy for Children & Adolescents (PITT-KID(https://ipkj.de/aus-weiterbildungen/pitt-kid/)), Institute for Childhood and Adolescent Psychotraumatology, 2020, Dr. Andreas Krüger, Hamburg, Germany
- Treatment of complexly traumatized patients withPITT(http://www.luise-reddemann.de/konzept/), seminar led by Prof. Dr. med. Luise Reddemann, 2018, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
- Psychodynamic Imaginative Trauma Therapy (PITT), Institute for Traumatology, Direction: Prof. Dr. med. Luise Reddemann, Zurich/Freiburg im B.,2014-2017.
- Training as Jungian Psychoanalyst, Diploma in Analytical Psychology at the International Seminar for Analytical PsychologyISAP(https://www.isapzurich.com/de/), 2012, Zurich
- Monodrama / Psychodrama in Individual Psychotherapy and Counseling, Creativity as a Therapeutic Factor, 2004,Moreno Institute Überlingen(https://www.moreno-psychodrama.de/)
- Psychology studies Lic. Phil. - clinical psychology as major, psychopathology and ethnology as minor, 1993-2000 University of Zurich
- Cantonal Maturity School for Adults (KME) Zurich, 1989 - 1992, obtaining the university entrance qualification at the teaching department
- Apprenticeship as a car mechanic, 1984 - 1987
- Cars in Dreams (2017): A century after its invention, the car still appears frequently in dreams and can provide helpful clues about the dreamer, his autonomy, his physical and mental state, and his life path. We explore this polymorphic spectrum with interesting dreams from psychotherapeutic practice.
Just don't grow weary,
rather to the miracle
- silently,
as if to a little bird-
hold out your palm.

Meeting the Soul